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Enjoy the Helicopter Sightseeing Tour

Having a Helicopter sightseeing tour in
Xiamen would be an exciting experience for your Xiamen trip. The departure point for the tour is the Zhengyang helicopter sightseeing service center at Xiajin Bay from which the helicopter will fly over classic scenic spots including Huandao Road, Xiamen International Conference and Exhibition Centre, Yefengzhai Beach, enjoy an in-depth tour of the city by air, sea and land, Pearl Bay, Hulishan Ancient Fortress, Xiamen University, South Putuo Temple, and Gulangyu Island and other scenic spots in the city at a height of around 200 meters. The flight altitude and speed will be adjusted according to passengers' desires to allow for a perfect view of the city from the sky. A preferential charter service will also be available for family customers.

Helicopter Sightseeing Tour

The helicopter, which has standard seating for two crew and five cabin seats, will carry only 4 passengers each trip, on a 15 minute round trip from the Zhengyang helicopter sightseeing service center to Gulangyu Island. The 15-minute round trip costs RMB1,880 (about US$298) per person per ride with reservations required at least 1 day in advance.

The helicopter, which has standard seating for two crew and five cabin seats, will carry 4 passengers each trip, on a 15 minute round trip from the Zhengyang helicopter sightseeing service center to Gulangyu Island at a height of 50-100 meters. It is a great change to have bird's eye view of Xiamen and enjoy an in-depth tour of the city by air, sea and land.

The operation Hour of this tour is available from 09:00 am to 11:30 am; 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm every day, with departing every 20 minutes.

  Helicopter Sightseeing Tour

Highlights of the Tour

•Gulangyu Island

Gulangyu Island is the symbol of Xiamen. It is across Xiamen Islet by Lujiang River, which is 600 meters wide. It takes 5 minutes ferry by ferry to get to Gulangyu. It only takes about 40 minutes to have a circle tour of the islet by electromobile. The highlights in the island include Sunlight Rock, Shuzhuang Garden, Bright Moon Garden, Xiamen Underwater Sea World, etc. 

Gulangyu Island

•South Putuo Temple

South Putuo Temple is adjacent to Xiamen University and Lu River. It is a famous Buddhist temple founded in the Tang Dynasty in the Chinese city of Xiamen. The temple has endless worshippers and pilgrims all the year around. The statue of Goddess of Mercy with 1,000 hands was built with the superb craftsmanship, and the Sutra House contains various kinds of Buddhist relics.


South Putuo Temple

•Hulishan Ancient Fortress

Hulishan Fort is located in the Hulishan seashore at the southern end of Xiamen Island together with Rongguang Cultural Relics and Treasures Museum. The Hulishan Fort was first constructed in the 20th year of the Guangxu reign of the Qing Dynasty, with an area of over 70,000 square meters, and the castle covers an area of 13,000 square meters.

Hulishan Ancient Fortress


•Huandao Sightseeing Road
Xiamen Huandao Road (or known as Xiamen Islet-Ring Road) is a famous sightseeing road located in the southeast of Xiamen Island. The road starts from Xiamen University, runs on to the Xiamen International Conference and Exhibition Centre and finally gets to the Xiamen Intertional Airport. The 9 kilometer coastline between Xiamen University and Qianpu, reputed as the "golden coastline", is a green coastal corridor integrating tourism, sightseeing and entertainment.

Island Ring Road