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What Activities Suitable for Kids and Students in Beijing

Nowadays, more and more people plan their family tour to China and bring their children with them. What kind of activities can be arranged for kids during the tour when they travel to Beijing --- the capital of China becomes a problem. Are there any suitable activities to do for children in Beijing? Of course, we introduce the ordinary activities to do for children at different ages as below to help you plan a perfect and impressive China tour plan.

Learn to Cook Chinese Food

In recent years, connoisseurs of Chinese cuisine have been appearing on highly rated TV shows all over the world, and the culinary specialist Michelin Guide has also taken an interest in Chinese cuisine. Have you ever imagined yourself in the position of that TV chef?

While you are travelling in China, you have the opportunity to learn from local experts to perfect your favorite Chinese dishes and enjoying sharing the fruits of your labor with your pleasantly astonished friends when you return home.

Make Dumpling

Choose this course to add into your itinerary while you are in Beijing, learn to cook classical Chinese dishes such as scrambled egg with potatoes, various flavors of spiced beef, braised fish and your choice from a broad selection on the school menu. It should be a real cultural experience. It is easy to arrange it in a Chinese style courtyard house, where you could also feel the authentic Chinese life.

Suitable for: travelers like Chinese cuisine, parents and children, children more than 9-10 years old

Learn Chinese Calligraphy and Painting

Calligraphy and painting are regarded as two treasures in China; together with Qin (lyre-playing) Zheng, and Qi (chess), they formed the four skills for a learned and elegant scholar to pursue in ancient times. They were also held as a good exercise to cultivate one's temperament.

Write Chinese Calligraphy

Chinese calligraphy is an art to relax the soul. The key to fine Chinese calligraphy is to keep a calm mood, ignoring disturbances from outside. So the practice is a way to achieve a higher emotion quotient (EQ).This art of writing Chinese Characters with brush and ink boasts a long history; it is one of the highest forms of Chinese art which perfectly embodies rhythm, lines and structure, serving the purpose of conveying the thoughts of the writer and displaying the abstract beauty of lines. Masters take the characters as the carrier of their thought, so there is no need to understand Chinese characters to appreciate the beauty; a little like appreciation of Western abstract painting. Have a tea break while learning to write some simple Chinese characters and your name in Chinese.

To learn Chinese calligraphy and painting can be arranged along with Hutong tour at local’s house.

Try Chinese Traditional Children Playthings

►Flying Kite (风筝 fēng zhēng)
The traditional Chinese kites are mainly bamboo and silk; purely made and painted by hand. Kite-flying is an ideal out-door activity for local people to enjoy fresh air; traditional and smart, it might be your choice to enjoy a moment of leisure in China with your family and kids. Add it to your itinerary.

Kites appeared in the Western world just 400 years ago. But Chinese kite flying is 2500 years old. The Chinese made every kind of kite long before Marco Polo came. They made communication kites, propaganda leaflet kites, whistling kites, Buddhist contemplation object kites and even man-carrying kites. Craftsmen usually make the kites to mimic different animals, traditional mythologies and famous novel characters.

►Playing Diabolo (Chinese Yoyo,空竹kōng zhú)
Diabolo, or called Chinese Yoyo is an ancient folk recreational activity for Han People in China. It is popular in many places in China, especially North China,such as Tianjin, Beijing, Liaoning, Heilongjiang. It is made of wood, hollow and disc-shaped with a wooden reel connected. There are holes on the hollow disc-shaped part. When it is played, people often use 2 bamboo sticks fastened with a line, which enwinds on the wooden reel to drive diabolo to revolve. When it is revolving, you could hear the whistle from the holes.

Play Chinese Yoyo

Nowadays, the diabolo is often made by plastic, which is more durable, practical and colorful. In order to make playing diabolo more interesting, a variety of diabolos are made in China now.

►Where can I try these activities in Beijing?
It is easy to arrange one of them at local parks, such as Temple of Heaven, Olympic Green, ect. Except try and practice, you could also find many locals playing is as an exercise in the morning.

Learn to Speak Chinese

Chinese language is the carrier of Chinese culture and civilization. With China’s emergence onto the world stage as a major player and influence of China's economy globally, Mandarin instruction is gaining popularity in the Western world. You won’t learn Mandarin in two hours, but have a tea break while learning some commonly needed conversational Chinese expressions in a tea house. It will be of immeasurable benefit for basic communication and making friends with local people during your trip to China. It will be different and impressive experience for you and kids.

Learn to Speak Chinese

Have a Nice Day with Children in Happy Valley Theme Park

Although you might have been to many theme park in the world before you visit to Beijing, it is also a good choice to try a local theme park with your kids. The theme park in different country might have its own characteristic. In Beijing, the Fanta Sea in Happy Valley Theme Park in Beijing is the best place family time. It is suitable for passengers at different ages.

Happy Valley Theme Park

Explore Zoo or Aquarium in Beijing with Your Children

Everybody knows, giant panda is the national treasure of China. It is a good idea to spend half day to visit Giant Panda Zoo with your child. Beijing Aquarium is near to the zoo. In the aquarium, tourists could see many marine animals, watch performance.

Aquarium Show

School or University Visit

If you arrange your student to visit China, it is possible to include a school or university visit into the highlight Beijing itinerary. Student can communicate with Chinese student and teachers. Students can know Chinese culture and education through the cultural exchange and school visit.

University Visit in Beijing