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Tour Bus from Wulingyuan to Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon Opened

Sourced from Wulingyuan traffic department, Zhangjiajie on June 21 that the tour bus from Wulingyuan to Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon was successfully opened, the convenient transportation has facilitated tourists and gained popularity during this summer.

By report that the tour bus starts from Wulingyuan bus station and arrives at the entrance gate of Zhangjiajie Great Canyon, which passes by Yellow Dragon Cave,Sanguanxiang temple with a journey about 20 kilometers. The price of the one-way ticket is 10 yuan/per person. The tour bus can greatly facilitate the majority of visitors especially self-help tourists who pay their visit in the Grand Canyon scenic area as well as in Wulingyuan scenic areas.

Wulingyuan, as a world-level natural heritage, a world-level geological park and a national AAAAA scenic spot ,is the core part of Zhangjiajie scenic spots. Sanguansi county located in CiLi is also a scenic zone of AAAA level. More over, it is the main business card of Zhangjiajie eastern tourism line. Since this June 1, Wulingyuan and the Grand Canyon scenic spots at the same time offer free ticket policy around a year in world -wide for primary and secondary school students.

By Aileen