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First Lohas Travel Route in Western Guangxi Launched

The first Lohas travel in western Guangxi is promoted, combining life styles of health and sustainability with leisure tour and breathtaking natural landscapes.

The Lohas western Guangxi tour covers the essence of tourist attractions in west Guangxi, including Chengbihu Lake Scenic Spot of Baise, Gulong Mountain Canyon Cluster Natural Scenic Spot of Jingxi, and other well renowned natural landscapes.

Besides the scenic spots, the Lohas travel route also provides in-depth display of the traditional healthy lifestyle in west Guangxi. Tourists are able to get close to the natives whose lives follow the principles of nature, thus preserve a peaceful and optimistic state of mind.

Guangxi is a tourist province famous for the natural landscapes and cultures of different ethnic groups featured by Guilin, a must-visit tourist destination for the unparalleled landscapes of Limestone Mountains and limpid rivers, together with unique folk customs and rich culture.