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Cherry Blossom Blooms in Gucun Park in Shanghai

From the end of this month, Gucun Park comes to the best season for enjoying cherry blossom. Gucun Park is the largest cherry blossom tree park in Shanghai, covering an area of 53 hectares. More than 10000 cherry blossom trees, comprising 28 varieties cherry blossom are now presenting a spectacular picture of multihued blossoms and fragrant air.

Normally A cherry blossom tree blooms and then fades within 16 days. Gucun Park has gone one better by planting varieties that extend the peak blossom season to a month. This year, the park introduces a large number of new species including Somei Yoshino Cherry. The Somei Yoshino blossoms before leaves grow and looks like pink clouds blown around by the wind, normally it blooms around the Tomb-sweeping Day on 4th, April. Cherry blossom petals fall with gentle breeze is regarded as the most beautiful scene but lasts only 3-4 days.

The best flower season will come from the end of March to early April. Besides enjoying cherry blossom, tourists could also spend a barbecue holiday together with enjoying cherry blossom in Gucun Park, 60 barbecue pits around the lake are ready for comers.