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Cheapflights UK Issues Top Three Emerging Destinations

Cheapflights UK, the leading website in flight price search and comparison uncovers the latest benefactors to the spoils of recession as it releases the season’s top three emerging destinations.

China sizzles at number one as Rwanda follows hot on its heels in second with a 47 per cent rise, and Nicaragua rings in third at 36 per cent when comparing year on year searches for January and February 2010 against 2009.

“Perhaps the two most interesting trends to come out of the recession are a heightened global conscience and a thirst for exploration,” says Nadine Hallak, Travel Expert for Cheapflights UK.

“Travelers are more up to going the distance not only in flight time, but also in adventure. Whether it’s helping to feed an economy that’s fighting to grow or getting better acquainted with one that’s already booming,” continues Hallak.

Having hosted the summer Olympics of 2008, China earned itself a gold medal upon the world stage of places to visit. While reports have it rallying for silver against Japan to earn its place as the world’s second largest economy in 2010, it continues to hold tight on the hot list of places to see. With four star hotel costs from around £58 in Beijing compared with £151 for a three star in London, and cultural attractions such as The Great Wall, Tiananmen Square, and the Forbidden City, it’s easy to see why.

Next up is Rwanda. Dubbed ‘Land of a Thousand Hills’, the country has worked hard to recover from the horrific events associated with its past, and establish itself as a stable nation hosting a capital city, Kigali, that is classed as sophisticated. It also serves up some of Africa’s best inland beaches, mountain forests, and mountain gorillas. While the higher end hotels can sometimes rate on par with China where price is concerned, day to day costs remain low averaging at a daily spend of £20.

And last, but certainly not least is Nicaragua, ranked by the UN as Latin America’s second safest destination, it boasts a lower rate of crime than some countries in Europe and even the US. Climbing its way back from a history of rebel movements, dictatorship and natural disasters, Nicaragua is finally on the verge of becoming the number one hotspot within its region. The country offers spectacular sights in the form of rainforests, cities packed with culture, and stunning beaches. However, it remains undiscovered enough to be classed as an intrepid destination, and is famously inexpensive both to live in and to visit.