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Summer Palace Opens Sida Buzhou

After 18 months of renovation, a group of Buddhist structures called Sida Buzhou (Four Great Regions) in Summer Palace is to be opened for visitors on 1st May.

Centered on the Xiangyan Zongyin Zhi Ge (Hall of the Buddha Confirming His Doctrine), this group of Buddhist structures named Sida Buzhou is the symbol for Sumeru Mountain. Built during Emperor Qianlong’s reign (1736-1795), Sida Buzhou is a cluster of Buddhist structures designed in accordance with the Tibetan style of architecture. They are called the Jambudvipa, Uttarakara, Purvavidewa and Aparagodahiya. The layout of Sida Buzhou is originated from the Buddhist world view.

The renovation preserved the information conveyed through the historical structures, recovering the magnificence of the imperial palace. The aim of this renovation is to protect and recover the historical outlook of the buildings in the Qing Dynasty, thus present to visitors the glory and delicacy of Buddhist architecture combined with Tibetan culture.