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Situated in No.178 Nanliu Highway, Pudong District, Shanghai, Shanghai Wildlife Park is built together by the Shanghai Municipal People's Government and the State Forestry. It is China's first national wildlife park. The exhibition center area covers an area of 153 hectares. The park is about 35 kilometers away from the downtown of Shanghai City. The park was invested 300 million Yuan and officially opened on November 18, 1995.

Shanghai Wildlife Park brings together representative rare animals from around the world with more than 200 species and the quality of the animals reach thousands of heads. The animals includes specially protected animal giant panda, golden monkey, tiger, Asian elephant, crested ibis, etc., as well as animals from abroad, like giraffe, zebra, antelope, white rhino, cheetah etc. Among them, the number of China’ specifically-protected animals reach number one in the world.

Shanghai Wildlife Park is divided into Herbivores Stocking Area, Predator Stocking Areas, Flamingo Area, Backyard Fauna, Waterfowl and Rare Animals Area, Bird Park, Butterfly Garden and Children's Petting Zoo. There are also animal performances by all the lovely animal actors, such as elephants, dogs, sheep, bears, tigers, lions, monkeys and parrots. The animals are eager to present a colorful performance. All of them have superior skills and cooperate well with each other. They are praised as the top animal actors and some are even the animal stars. The performing area shows you smart and talented animals, allowing you to experience the animal world and bringing you pleasure.

There are two viewing areas for the visitors: one is by bus; the other is by walking. Take a tourist bus and the unforgettable experience of close contact with wild animals begins. Yu can see a gentleman giraffe, stretching its neck, looking forward to the arrival of visitors. You can watch the largest land mammals - elephants, gently greeting to the tourists; you can also see one of the three treasures in China, golden takin, getting together on your side. Here also live fastest-running animal in the world - cheetah, whose speed reaches up to more than 110 km/h; there are also African lions, showing its general demeanor while preying. Under the safety guarantee, visitors are allowed to feed and take a photo with animals such as giraffes and elephants. This is face-to-face contact in the truest sense.

In the penned animal area, you can walk and watch the white lion, white tiger, white kangaroos, pandas, alligators and other rare animals in the world; you can take photos with llamas, camels, zebra, elephant and other animals, surprising you with opportunities of staying with rare animal. The many other creature area holds the flamingo display place, young animal lawn, waterfowl lake and bird garden. You will get to know more about the lifestyle and habits of the animals living in this place and how the small animals are cared for by the nurturing keepers.

How to Get There

You can take the Nan Xin Special Line, Zhang Nan Line, Hui Song Line, Expo Panda Regular Bus Route, Long Lu Line, Chen Song Line etc. to get to Shanghai Wildlife Park.