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Polar Ocean Theme Park Opened in Wuhan

Wuhan Haichang Polar Ocean Park, the first large-scale theme park in Central China, opened on September 29 in Wuhan, Hubei Province.

The park in Jinyintan Street of Dongxihu District covers an area of 0.6 million square meters. Over 100 kinds of ocean animals can be found here.

Wuhan Haichang Polar Ocean Park is the first and only combined indoor polar ocean park in China. The park was invested by Dalian Haichang Company with an investment of CNY 3 billion.

The theme park in Hubei Province saw a fast growth in the past three years. Many theme parks including Happy Valley, Shimao Carnival, Future World and Haichang Polar Ocean World set up one by one. According to local Tourists Department, the East Lake Happy Valley will open in next May, where tourists can enjoy over 100 entertainment projects.