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New cruise to serve the Xisha Islands ecotourism

A new ship will serve the cruise tours in Xisha Islands in South China Sea in October. When the luxury new cruise comes into use, the annual number of travelers is expected to reach about 20,000. There will be a significant increase in shipping capacity of this ecotourism.

The new cruise, a remolded ship “De Yin Hai” is under reconstruction and upgrading. It would be more comfortable than the current ship. The new cruise is 129 meters long and 20.4 meters wide with 7 floors. It offers more than 600 passenger berths as well as catering and entertainment facilities such as meeting room, supermarket and sunshine deck. The new ship is able to load a dead weight of 11,000 tones.

The current vessel, Yexiang Gongzhu, or Scent of Princess Coconut, has completed 60 trips since the cruise route to Xisha was launched on April 28, 2013. The passenger volume of Yexiang Gongzhu per trip is 228, much less than the new cruise.

The cruise tour departs from Sanya, “Oriental Hawaii” in coastal China, and reaches Xisha Islands, lasting four days and three nights. Passengers can land some islands of Yongle Islands (a section of Xisha Islands) and have an enjoyable stay. Travelers can participate in a series of interesting activities including swimming, sunbathing, diving, tasting seafood and even going fishing with local fishermen.

Xisha, along with the Zhongsha, Dongsha and Nansha island groups comprise the southernmost territory of China. Xisha, famous for its beach scenery and pristine ecosystem, has great tourist appeal. Currently, Xisha Islands have been fulfilling the tourism contents of beach tour, improve tour grade and boost the growth of tourism market. Enthusiasts will appreciate the pure scenery and discover the unique charm of Xisha Islands via the tour.