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Jinyang Palace was found in Shanxi

Jinyang Palace, which dates from the Sui Dynasty (581-618), was found in Shanxi province. After the efforts made by over 20 experts from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and National Museum of China, the ruin of the architectural complex in Jinyang ancient city and its unearthed relics were identified.

The ruin was initially identified as a large base from the late Tang period (618-907). Materials found from dilapidated stone tablets convinced the experts that the site was formerly the location of Jinyang Palace.

The architectural complex ruin is in the northwestern part of Jinyang ancient city. From 2012 to this year, the Shanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology and the Taiyuan Institute of Cultural Relics and Archeology excavated on the 10,000-square-meter site, and two groups of large architectural bases were found. Broken steles, delicate stone carving components, ceramics, bricks and tiles also were unearthed around the architectural base.