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Foshan Travel Guide

Foshan Overview

Foshan, lies in the heart of the Pearl River Delta, neighboring Hong Kong and Macau, bordering Guangzhou to the east, Jiangmen and Zhongshan to the south, Zhaoqing to the west and Qingyuan to the north, enjoying a favorable geographic position and a well-developed transportation system, Fosha is fertile in soil, mild in climate, adequate in rainfall and the average temperature is 22.1C. Foshan is a suitable place for travelers all year around.

Foshan is a well-known city of history and culture in China. "Founded in Jin and named in Tang" and with a long history and rich culture as well, the city was crowned as one of the Four Well-known Towns and Four Commercial Centers in ancient history. Foshan is the birthplace of Canton Opera and Cantonese cuisine. Martial arts masters like Huang Feihong and Bruce Lee were of Foshan origin, making the city as the "Hometown of Martial Arts".

Foshan Facts
Foshan History
Foshan Geography
Foshan Climate & Weather
Best time for Foshan Travel

Area Code: 0757
Zip Code: 528000
Area: 6,634 square kilometers

Administrative Division:

Name Hanzi Hanyu Pinyin Population (2010 census.) Area (km²) Density (/km²
City Proper
Chancheng District 禅城区 Chánchéng Qū 1,101,077 154 7,150
Inner Suburbs
Nanhai District 南海区 Nánhǎi Qū 2,588,844 1,074 2,410
Shunde District 顺德区 Shùndé Qū 2,461,701 806 3,054
Outer Suburbs
Sanshui District 三水区 Sānshuǐ Qū 622,645 874 712
Gaoming District 高明区 Gāomíng Qū 420,044 960 438

As a vital part of the Pearl River Delta, Foshan has a completed transportation infrastructure and forms a modern transportation network gathering highway, railway and airline. The freeways, Guangzhou-Zhujiang, Guangzhou-Zhanjiang, Guangzhou-Zhaoqing, Guangzhou-Foshan, Guangzhou-Sanshui and Foshan-Kaiping, pass through Foshan City. Foshan Airport has opened the flights to more than 20 cities such as Beijing, Guilin, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Jinan, Kunming, etc. Besides, from Port of Foshan to Hong Kong Central Ferry Piers, it is only 47 nautical miles, which take more than 40 minutes by fast sailing. At all the bus stations of Guangzhou, there are coaches to Shunde, Sanshui, etc. of Foshan, Special-Route Buses to Guangzhou and Shenzhen, Sightseeing Buses to all attractions in Foshan City. Apart from the above transportations, there are also 21 routes for buses running in Foshan.

Foshan is a well-known city of history and culture in China. “Founded in Jin and named in Tang” and with a long history and rich culture as well, the city was crowned as one of the Four Well-known Towns and Four Commercial Centers in ancient history. Foshan is the birthplace of Canton Opera and Cantonese cuisine. Martial arts masters like Huang Feihong and Bruce Lee were of Foshan origin, making the city as the "Hometown of Martial Arts".

Located in the mid-south of Guangdong Province, China, Foshan is at the heart of the Pearl River Delta (“PRD”). It connects Guangzhou to the east and is adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao to the south. The excellent geographic location contributes to Foshan's prosperity both in the past and present. The mild climate, adequate rainfall, and evergreen seasons have made Foshan a renowned place of abundance ever since. It has humid subtropical monsoon climate with an average annual temperature of 22.2℃. In the river-woven area of the PRD, Foshan features Xijiang River and Beijiang River, branches of the Pearl River, running all the way through the city.At present Foshan governs five districts, namely, Chancheng District, Nanhai District, Shunde District, Gaoming District and Sanshui District. The city covers a total area of 3848.49 km2 and has a population over 5.923 million including 3.611 million registered permanent residents. Foshan is referred to as hometown of overseas Chinese. Over 1.48 million Foshan origins are now living overseas, of which over 800,000 are residing in Hong Kong and Macao.

Foshan is at the convergence of East Asia and South East Asia, which is an economic vibrant area in the Asia Pacific Region. As located in the central part of the Pearl River Delta (PRD), one of the most powerful economic areas in China, Foshan and Guangzhou, with similar history and culture, put in place the "Guangzhou-Foshan Economic Circle". It is within one hour's drive from central Foshan to the three main transport hubs of Guangzhou (Guangzhou New Baiyun International Airport, Guangzhou Nansha Port, Guangzhou Railway Station). The geographic advantage enables Foshan to share with Guangzhou the infrastructure facilities, transportation network, financial capital, personnel education, technological information and market resources, etc. It serves to the industry interaction and functions complementation, which further accelerates the regional economic integration and urbanization. Foshan is 231 kilometers away from Hong Kong and 143 kilometers from Macao. It's about two hours? drive from Foshan to Hong Kong and Macao. The close connection between Foshan and Hong Kong, Macao enables Foshan to make full use of the market advantage and metropolitan position of the two cities, facilitating Foshan to get broader involvement in the global economy.

Foshan City is located at the hinterland of Pearl River Delta. Most area is in the south to the Tropic of Cancer. In the direction of southeast-northwest, there is a transition from plain to hill and mountain gradually. Foshan falls into south subtropical marine monsoon climate, being warm and rainy. The annual hours of sunshine are about 1,800; the no frost period is above 350 days; the average annual temperature is 21.2℃ - 22.2℃. The precipitation has distinctly seasonal variation. The rain falls mainly from April to September, the rainfall during which occupies 80% of the annual precipitation. In summer, it usually has heavy rain or extra torrential rain as the arrival of typhoon, which makes landfall in Foshan twice or third time from July to September of each year.

Climate Data Table for Foshan

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
average temperature
14.3 15.1 18.4 22.6 26.0 28.2 29.2 29.1 27.8 24.9 20.2 16.1
Rainfall (mm) 40.9 69.4 84.7 201.2 283.7 276.2 232.5 227.0 186.2 87.3 35.4 31.6
Days of rainfall 7.5 11.2 15.0 16.3 18.3 18.2 15.9 16.8 12.5 7.1 5.5 4.9

Best time to visit Foshan:
The best time to visit Foshan is the spring and autumn; the weather is comfortable with a mild temperature. Because of Fushan location, the climate in summer is very humid and hot.
Before you go to Foshan, you should know something about the local culture, which will do a world good to you.

Avoid Peak Holidays:
It is not a good idea to travel in China during Chinese holidays when huge numbers of Chinese people are travelling around. The busiest three national holidays in China are Chinese Spring Festival (usually in late Jan or early Feb.), International Labor Day (May 01 to 03) and National Day (Oct 01-07). Spring Festival is an especially crowded time to travel. The advantage of being in China at this time is that you will get the opportunity to experience "first hand" the significance of these celebrations in Chinese culture.

Highlight Attractions in Foshan

Xiqiao Mountain

Xiqiao Mountain is located in Southwest part of Nanhai District in Foshan. The natural view on the mountain is beautiful. It includes several area, such as Nanhai Avalokitesvara Cultural Area (Baofeng Temple), Tianhu Park, White Cloud Cave, Green Jade Cave, Cuiyan Scenic Area, Shiyanyan Scenic Area, Jiulongyan Scenic Area, Peach Flower Garden and Wong Fei-hung Lion Dance Hall, ect.

Sightseeing shuttle bus routes Xiqiao Mountain
►Route A: north entry-Baofeng Temple
►Route B: Baofeng Temple-Tianhu- Nanhai Avalokitesvara Cultural Area-Botanic Garden-Cuiyan-Baofeng Temple
►Route C: Baofeng Temple-Cuiyan-Botanic Garden-Peach Flower Garden-Nanhai Avalokitesvara Cultural Area-Tianhu-Baofeng Temple

What to see in Xiqiao Mountaion
►See the 61.9 meters high Avalokitesvara statue and pray for blessing
►The largest Peach Flower Garden which is suitable for visit in every March
►Wong Fei-hung Lion Dance Hall, where tourist could enjoy the traditional lion dance performance
►Try local Xiqiao Pancake and bean curd pudding

Foshan Ancestral Temple

Foshan Ancestral Temple is located in the city center, surrounded by prosperous commercial districts, with fairly convenient transportation. If you go to visit the ancestral temple from Guangzhou, you just need to take subway and get off at the stop of ancestral temple.

It was built from Bei Song Dynasty. It was developed to a whole and well-preserved local temple complex. It is a must-visit spot in Foshan and just like the landmark of Foshan.

There are audio guides rent in Foshan Ancestral Temple. The rental fee is CNY10 per guide per 4 hours. The tourist who would like to rent one need to pay extra CNY100 as deposit. The audio guide is helpful for tourists to know the history and culture of Foshan Ancestral.

What to expect in Foshan Ancestral Temple
►Must-seeing spot as the landmark in Foshan
►The distinctive building, with stone carving, wood carving, brick carving, ceramic sculpture and lime sculputure, which is really worth a visit
►Martial art and lion dance performance every afternoon, which is expected
►Wong Fei-hung Memorial Hall and Yip Man’s Memorial Hall are both here. Chinese Kungfu fans can not miss it.

Qinghui Garden

Qinghui Garden is located in Shunde District, which is the city center of Foshan with convenient transportation. It is regarded as one of the Four Famous Gardens in Guangdong Province. It is in southern China garden style, which is a bit different from the gardens in east China. Although it is also use bridge and stream to decorate the garden, the garden design idea is quite different. In Qinghui Garden, tourist could see beautiful brick carving and colorful glass as the ornaments. 

Lotus Theme Park

Lotus Theme Park is in Sanshui district of Foshan, which is a large park for locals and suitable to for a family outing at the weekend with kids. In the park, tourists could see a variety of lotus in summer. 

Nanfeng Ancient Kiln

Nanfeng Ancient Kiln is regarded as a Ceramic Museum or Ceramic Park, where tourists could know the ceramic history and culture in Foshshan.

Foshan Tours & Tings to Do