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Business Hours in China

China uses a five-day workweek that spans from Monday to Friday, with Saturday and Monday off. The normal business hours are from 08:00 to 18:00, with two-hour break from 12:00 – 14:00. However, there are local variations in different sectors and cities.

Government offices, institutions and schools begin at 8:00 or 8:30, and end at 17:00 or 17:30 with two-hour noon break, from Monday to Friday. They usually close on Saturday, Sunday and public holidays.

Companies usually start at 8:30 and close at 18:00, with one or two hours noon break. Though usually open from Monday to Friday, companies have some staff on duty at weekends.

Banks and post offices open daily from 9:00 till 17:00. During weekends and public holidays, their business hours are shortened by one or two hours. One can find self-service banks and ATM machines operate any time.

Hotels and hospitals offer round-the-clock services every day. Community clinics are also open every day from 8:30 till past 22:00.

Most tourist attractions can be visited every day from 9:00 till 17:30, with some keeping open into the evening during summer time. Museums usually close for one day (mostly Monday) for every week, and extend opening hours by one or two hours on public holidays and summer/winter vacations.

Restaurants and bars start doing business from around 10:00 till late at night, and usually extend their business hours during weekends and holidays. Some bars open till small hours or even for the whole night.

Shops, supermarkets and department stores open every day for long hours from 9:00 to 22:00, including weekends and public holidays. Small shops and grocery stores open earlier and close later than that time. However, during the Chinese New Year (happen in January or February), stores close early in the afternoon on the Eve.