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Annual pass for tourist attractions in China to put on sale

A tourism annual pass in China for 2015 is now available to purchase in Beijing. Priced at CNY 150 (about USD 24), the annual pass covers 806 parks, scenic areas and museums in 16 provinces and municipalities.

Beijing and Tianjin share a big part on the map, including 100 places in these two neighboring cities. And hundreds of attractions in Hebei, Shandong, Shanxi, Henan, Liaoning, Helongjia are included in the pass.

Among the list, the majority attractions offer free for multiple entries and a small share offering single free entry or discounts. More than 200 free-to-enter spots have an admission fee of over CNY 50.

The annual pass is available to purchase at more than 20 parks in Beijing, including Zhongshan Park, Yuyuantan Park, Jingshan Park, Beijing Botanical Garden, etc, as well as newspaper kiosks in subway stations. The annual pass had no restrictions on age and ID for purchase.