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Air Routes between North China Cities Launched

Air routes connecting north China and the north point of China has launched since July 14. Thus Hohhot in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Harbin in northeast China’s Heilongjiang province and Mohe, a city with the highest latitude of China are connected.

The daily flight between the three cities with the flight number of GS6549/50 takes off from Hohhot at 11:00, arrives Harbin at 12:55, then the flight takes off from Harbin at 13:40 and arrives at Mohe at 15:20; while flight takes off from Mohe at 16:00, arrives at Harbin at 17:40, then the flight takes off from Harbin at 18:20 and arrives at Hohhot at 20:25.

From July, north China has entered tourism peak. For Mohe County, it is a perfect summer resort, and the one and only place in China that can experience perpetual day and aurora.